Τρίτη 14 Ιουνίου 2011


The following story is an abstract from an email someone forwarded to me. It contained touching stories, in which childern were the main characters. This one spoke to me the most.

"Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were
discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture
had a different hair colour than the other members... One of her
students suggested that he was adopted.
A little girl said, 'I know all about
Adoption, I was adopted..'

'What does it mean to be adopted?', asked
another child.

'It means', said the girl, 'that you grew
in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy!' "

This is it! These few lines say it all. It was enough for the child within to rush and make a wish. Guess what she wished for...

Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2011

Gems in the Mud

I’ve been worried, I guess, as to whether I’m a good mother or not. I’ve probably been worried all my life whether I’m good anything. At school I was the best student in class (probably in the entire school), with minimum effort. I had shown evidence that I was a gifted writer, singer, performer, painter. But I was never good enough for my mother. Because my mother didn’t want a brilliant, beautiful, talented daughter. She didn’t want a free spirited daughter. She wanted me to change after her image. She wanted me to accept the robotic level of existence that most people accept at a certain degree or another. She wanted me to cage my mind, like she had done unconsciously, and become a wife and a breeder, a domestic slave, invisible. And as for my father, for the few years he was around, he made sure, through his “hand” that I would stay put… and silent… and afraid.

This Korean boy, wow! His name is Sung Bong Choi and he entered Korea’s Got Talent. A gem in the mud! But he’s found a way. He reminds me of someone. Another gem in the mud, who hasn’t found a way yet. Maybe this other gem lacks the determination that the Korean boy has. Maybe, this gem has had too much daily stuff to deal with and has been too distracted and too off track. Maybe it has too many unconscious negative beliefs. Maybe these are just excuses. I don’t know. All I know is that there are quite a few gems that have been thrown in the mud. I wonder how many there are and what they have been up to. Some of them found the way to shine more easily than others. Some of them have done it the hard way, but they have done it! Some of them are stuck in the mud and are still looking for the way out. I wonder. If you stay there long enough, do you ever lose your gem qualities? Could a gem ever turn into dirt for good? I don’t know. But maybe there is only one way and only one destination and only one direction. The way back to shine, the destination of home, the place where you belong, and as for the direction… perhaps it can get you as off track as it can, drive you around in circles, spiral you up and down and throw you in a ditch or two, but it won’t ever make a final stop until it gets you home. I hope this is the case. Maybe deep within I know this is the case. That’s why there is always hope!

I watched another gem in the mud last night on “Πάμε Πακέτο”. A young man, named Esteban Stamatakis. Wow! That man definitely shone last night on TV. His kindness and goodness and sensibility. How he’s risen above all the crap, how he cast the mud off him. An example of what forgiveness and an open heart can do. Wow!

I’m amazed by the goodness in the world. The richness and quality that some people possess. I feel it’s enough to change everything. If we change within, then the whole world changes. It becomes the place where we belong. We can even start noticing, that this is indeed, the place we thought we had left behind. Maybe we’ve been home all along. Perhaps we’ve just been fooled by the mud in our eyes!
